I do my best to only share information with you that I honestly believe will dramatically improve your life. I spend A LOT of my time researching all kinds of wellness tools and trends and keep a close circle of friends who are on the cutting edge of optimal health and performance.

Last week I sent out a worksheet on creating a health team. My friend and meditation teacher, Emily Fletcher, is one of those exceptional people on my team. Emily is on a truly radical mission to eradicate unnecessary suffering from the planet! Of course, some pain is simply part of the human experience. But unnecessary suffering -- like insomnia, anxiety, overwhelm, premature aging, and loneliness -- is solvable.

Her solution is called The Ziva Technique -- a powerful trifecta of mindfulness, meditation, and manifesting tools. Their combined impact removes stress from your body at the cellular level and gives you deep, healing rest that is 5x deeper than sleep.

And I invite you to do yourself a favor and check it out now. The sad reality is that stress is making us stupid, sick, and slow. You deserve to feel your best and perform at the top of your game.

Here’s everything that comes with zivaONLINE when you sign up…

  • 15-day video training in The Ziva Technique, including how to select your own personal mantra from a curated list.

  • Monthly LIVE group coaching calls with Emily, exclusive to zivaONLINE grads.

  • Access to the zivaONLINE private online community where Emily and the zivaTEAM are on call to answer your questions and support you.

  • Impactful graduate content is sent straight to your inbox for six months after you graduate, timed perfectly to your meditation journey.

  • Get your biggest questions answered in 4 pre-recorded Q&A sessions during the course.

  • Four downloadable guided meditations for travel, sleep, stress release & performance.

  • Emily’s favorite TED talks, additional audio downloads, and even more bonus content.

  • Top-notch customer service from the experienced meditators on our team.

  • Plus, if you’re not satisfied within 30 days, Emily will give you a full refund, no exceptions.

I truly cannot wait to hear how this course transforms your life.

P.S.  Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. You can do that here. I am always happy to connect.

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