Have you ever not acted on something because you weren't sure you were ready? Or good enough? Or just terrified of taking the leap?

Yeah, me too.

I recently had a conversation with an ex-priest. A man who once vowed and committed to God for eternity, and how he is signed the "divorce papers" from his old identity.

He said, "Cole, when I had my car packed and was rolling out of town, I thought, 'Am I jumping out of a perfectly flying plane with no parachute?' I had no idea what was to come."

I leaned into the conversation as I felt the anxiety around my recent decision of jumping into the unknown (selling my businesses and starting over) rise up in my chest. He continued, "The scary moment passed a few hours into the drive, and I remembered why I was moving on - that this old life wasn't for me and something else will be."

Me: "So no regrets?"

Him: "No. As hard as it was, I am happy I jumped."

Even though he felt like he didn't have a plan to catch him as he rode away from the known into the unknown, he was happy he took the leap.

It was terrixciting - terrifying and exciting, at the same time!!!

The reality is every second of the day is unknown.

There are no guarantees.

It's up to us to decide to try something new and show up for what is most important to us, even if it's scary.

Emily Fletcher, who I often mention, did a short IG video on this exact metaphor the other day. You can watch it here.

And another here by Cory Muscara - who I adore. He quotes Chögyam Trungpa - 

"The bad news is you're falling through air with no parachute. The good news is, there is no ground."

Even if we don't know what is next, our life experiences, adaptation (self-care) practices, and self-awareness are packed into our parachutes, ready to open and help us navigate the jump.

AND - it's not about the landing! It's about letting go and allowing the Universe to hold us exactly where we are in the moment.

There is a lovely quote that I am living by right now as I transition from a 21-year-long retail career into the unknown..



  • Are you listening?

  • Do you hear the faint whisper of intuition giving you ideas, downloaded from nature, to act?

  • What's the fear holding you back?

  • And most importantly, how will you celebrate when you take the leap?

I am planning a hot air balloon ride once I am finished with these stores (end of this year). It seems like the perfect way to feel like I am being held by Nature. Free, up high, above all the noise, with only the sound of the balloon carrying me.

It reminds me that even though I'm jumping out of a perfectly healthy plane… one that feels like I don't have a parachute (plan), I actually do have one. And that no matter how scary life feels, the universe is always carrying me and supporting me as long as I keep listening to my intuition and taking the leaps.

P.S.  Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. You can do that here. I am always happy to connect.

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