Today is National Kick Butt Day.

I don't know how we get these national 'whatever' days, but I am changing it to National Kick-BUT day – But with one t.

Have you ever thought? "I want to exercise more, but I..."

Or "I told myself I would not eat out this week, but I..."

Whatever follows the 'but' is often a resisting part of us that has conflicting values or is ambivalent. Usually, this excuse gives short-term pleasure, making it an easier choice.

For example, you set the alarm the night before to get up and shake your booty at the gym. You have a long-term goal of having more energy and feeling better physically, but then the alarm goes off, and your thoughts say, "I want to workout and feel better (long-term goal), but it's so cold outside... I want to stay in this comfy bed!" (easy and instant satisfaction).

But, but, BUT!

Don't let your buts be bigger than your dreams.

Not as easy in the moment, so I invite you to try these mind shifts to help beat your 'but.'

Recognize the But

Notice when you use 'but' statements.

  • Where in your life do you hear 'buts' appearing?

  • Are you noticing resistance with the same goal? (Take note if you've had a goal or intention for months/years with no forward movement!)

  • Are there themes, such as it's the same excuse every time?

Many parts of your mind can butt heads (see what I did there), but the goal is not to let your 'buts' dictate your actions. Once we recognize where we put up a 'but' (aka resistance), we can then start kicking some but's a**!

Kick the But

Goals take time and effort. Taking action often can feel like a tennis match in your head, thoughts going back and forth, battling out the next steps. "I want to do X, but I also want to Y."

What does it take to win the match?

Here are some tips:

  1. Connect with your 'WHY.'

    Clearly defining the reason you want to make a change and why it's important to YOU, is your why. Maybe it's to have more energy with your kids so you can travel more together, or perhaps it's to have more peace of mind. Whatever the reason, connecting to your why (daily) will help with motivation, create intention, and tip you toward healthy decisions.

  2. Focus on the end goal.

    Often when we put off our goals, it's because the temptation leads to short-term rewards that feel good in the moment but wear off quickly, while the other is a long-term life skill.

    • What is that life skill you want to conquer?

    • Who do you want to identify as once you've maintained the new habit?

    • What will be different once you've established this life skill and new identity?

  3. Experiment with your environment.

    Often one area we don't think to focus on is whether our environment supports us.

      • What changes can you make in your environment to make the habit easier? From the example above, an idea might be to have exercise clothes beside the bed for easy changing or wake up to an excellent upbeat song!

      • Who are you surrounding yourself with that can support your intentions? Having someone's support will create an encouraging environment. And heck, they may even join you with the same goal!

When you allow your 'but' to win, it may be easier and more satisfying; however, you are ultimately not stepping into action and delaying your progress. See it as your competition and kick your but's butt!

Not competitive? Then try reversing your 'but' statement.

Move the But (flip it and reverse it 🎵)

My brilliant boyfriend pointed out that you can give more power to your thoughts by putting what you want after the 'but.'

Say this out loud, "I want to stay in bed and be all cozy, but I want to feel better and have the best energy. It's time to move this body!"

Doesn't that have power to it?

What comes after our 'buts' usually wins, and if that's the case for you, let it win by reversing the statement giving it more control.

These are just a few of the many ways to think about the resisting parts of ourselves.

If you resonate and want to kick some 'buts' that are getting in the way of the life you want, I am currently accepting new clients. 

Winter is coming, and it's the perfect time to stay ahead of the game by not letting our excuses win and upping your self-care.

You can check out my 1:1 coaching here or group coaching here.

P.S.  Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. You can do that here or below. I am always happy to connect.

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You are not broken.


It’s okay to fall apart.