Every year, I choose a word or phrase to help me stay focused & aligned with my vision.

This past year my phrase was "I am" to help me identify with the person I aspire to be.

For example, instead of saying, "I want to be a homeowner." I would say, "I am a homeowner," & then sit in that feeling as if it already happened.

The brain doesn't like to be wrong.

Whenever your brain decides on something, your brain will spend time looking for reasons to back that thought up. It's called Psychological Consistency.

So naturally, your words matter

"I am" was proof for me. 6.5 of my 8 "I am" statements that I aspired to be, are now accurate.

What's the .5? From the example above, I won a land lottery and now have a place to build a new home. So even though I'm not a homeowner yet, it's happening for me.


So what about 2022?

There will be many significant transitions for me coming up this year, and with any change, fear saddles up and tries to tag along.

Fear can take over and lead me down the anxiety spiral of making the wrong decisions. But this is where my word for the year comes in.

I recently listened to a minisode on Dhru Purohit's podcast, Break Free From Your Limiting Beliefs. I highly recommend tuning in, especially the first 17 minutes. You can find it here.

Peter Crone asked this question in the interview:

Who would you be, and what becomes available in the absence of all your concerns?

So much of what holds us back is fear, worry, concerns, and the parts of us that say, "You are comfortable and safe! Stay where you are, and you won't fail!"

The thing is, all those fears, worries, and concerns are made up. It's all a fictional narrative based on your past experiences. Your history is only a memory, not a prediction of the future.

And if you continue to dwell on it, you might manifest the very thing you are worried about.

Hence my word of the year:


It's a simple yet great reminder to ignore the made-up stories that fear attaches to the future and instead reframe the stories to exciting possibilities ahead.

What about you?

I would love to hear your word!

If you have one, comment below. Being intentional and declaring your word is a significant first step. I'm always rooting for you. So let's welcome 2022 with a new and fresh perspective together!

Before you go, check out this "Year-End Reflection" exercise from Rich Litvin. It may give you an insight into your 2022 word. You can find it here.

Speak soon friend,


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